Infrared Thermography

We can provide valuable information for diagnosing building envelope problems in a non-destructive manner

Non-invasive method for building envelope troubleshooting

Infrared thermography is a proven, non-destructive and complete method for troubleshooting building heat loss and moisture problems. It is one of the tools used by building owners to test the building envelope and to evaluate construction quality and building performance, enhance occu-pant comfort, health, and productivity, and improve the marketability of their properties.


Diagnosing building envelope issues with Infrared Thermography

Infrared thermography provides valuable information for diagnosing building envelope problems by using equipment that detects anomalies which can mean a lack of insulation, air leakage, or moisture in the construction. These issues can cause building deterioration and escalate energy and repair costs.

Create an effective restoration plan

Thermographic documentation provides buildings owners with accurate information by detecting where heat losses occur and where there is inadequate insulation moisture infiltration and air leakage. Because the method is non-invasive, operations are not disrupted. Manticore has the ex-pertise to provide you with a comprehensive report about the location and extent of issues in your building envelope and components, and can also assist with the repair and restoration.
